Here we explain how Studio decides the Rules and Conditions that are automatically applied to your script
If you make changes to a script without pasting text, you can initiate Rule Suggestion manually by clicking on the Rules Suggestion button:
When you click the button, all the previously applied rules and conditions will be maintained so you can be confident won't lose any of the work you've already done.
If a Rule Suggestion doesn't work as expected, you can try so you manually add the Rule then click the Rules Suggestion button to apply the Conditions.
Places Rule Suggestion
The Places Rule will be automatically applied with the appropriate conditions in the following scenarios:
- If the name(s) of a Town, City, County or US State is present in the pasted text
- If a single DMA code is present in the pasted text
- If a comma-separated list of Post Code prefixes, DMA codes or Zip Codes are present in the pasted text (each of the Post Code prefixes, DMA codes or Zip Codes set as "OR'd" conditions
- If a single Post Code prefix is present in the pasted text
Location Rule Suggestion
The Location Rule will be automatically applied with the appropriate conditions in the following scenarios:
- If a single Post Code or Zip Code is present in the pasted text Studio will convert to a latitude and longitude
When the Location rule is automatically applied by detecting UK or US post/zip codes, Studio applies the Rule with a 0km radius.
Information on how Studio behaves with 0km radii is here, you can use Bulk Editing to change the radii for multiple locations or edit the radii manually.
- If latitude and longitude and radius is present in the pasted text
If a single line contains multiple latitudes and longitudes only the first will be automatically applied
Other Rules Auto Suggestion
There are also other rules the Studio can automatically identify and apply to a script.
Days of Week
Day Part
If your script lines include "day parts" (Morning / Afternoon / Evening) Studio will apply the Day Part Rule and set the appropriate conditions.
Weather Condition
If your script lines include one of the supported weather conditions (Sun / Rain /
Cloud / Snow) Studio will apply the Weather Condition Rule and set the appropriate conditions.
Device Type
If your script lines include a device type (Mobile / Tablet / Desktop / TV / Car / Appliance / Smart Speaker) Studio will apply the Device Type Rule and set the appropriate conditions.
If a single line contains multiple Days of the Week, Day Parts, Weather Conditions or Device Types only the first will be automatically applied
If a script line contains "(default)" at the beginning or at the end of a line, Studio will automatically mark the line as the default.