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  2. Script Building

How do the Rotation Types differ?

When multiple lines are possible, the Rotation Type determines which one is selected for the user to see/hear.

When you apply Rotation to your script, you are able to choose between two Rotation Types. The below demonstrates how the Rotation Type can be changed.


Rotation Types

Rotate first matches

Studio will pick a line at random from all of the possible lines that share the same Rule conditions as the first possible line.

Rotate all possible

Studio will pick a line at random from all of the possible lines whatever the Rule conditions are.

The table below considers some different scenarios and the Rotation type that should be used in each.

Scenario Rotate first matches Rotate all possible

You are not using any Rules and want to rotate between the lines evenly.



The lines that you would like to rotate between do not overlap conditions.

For example:

  • you have several lines that refer to each day of the week
  • you would like one to be picked at random on the relevant day 



You would like to prioritise certain ranges over others.

For example:

  • you have lines to play on specific dates to coincide with sports events
  • and lines to play during the same period that refer to the weather
  • you want the sporting events lines to play whatever the weather


All ranges are equally relevant.

For example:

  • you are using date ranges to have lines play that refer to several sporting events
  • you would like to pick from any line until the event is no longer relevant

You would like to prioritise certain Rules over others.

For example:

  • you have lines to play on specific days that refer to the weather
  • and lines to play on specific days whatever the weather
  • you would like to prioritise the lines that refer to the weather

All Rules are equally relevant.

For example:

  • you have lines that refer to the day of the week and others that refer to the weather
  • you would like one to be picked at random from any that are relevant